The Bear Bulletin


Bear Bulletin!

Hi Families!

Important Dates:
5/29 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
6/1 - St. Gv’t Induction 6 p.m. - Commons

*Please review the June calendar below. Please note, the week of June 12, (culminating experience week) students will be dismissed at 11:00 AM! Buses are provided!

Senior Projects!
What an honor it was to sit and listen to our students present today. You would be incredibly proud of the professional and preparedness our students demonstrated today!

Sports! What a week it has been! We are so  proud of our students!


Check out the SHS State Champs in Novice crew, won on Sunday! So exciting!

Left to right- Reese Phelan, David Alessio, Alex Moore, Clint Cramer, Josh Olson, Brady Torres, Connor Walsh, Valentino Tippets and Coxswain Abby Steano

Softball ECC Champions!!

And MORE!!!!

  • Boys Lacrosse ECC Champions!!

  • Girls Lacrosse ECC Runner Up Champions!!

  • Boy and Girls Tennis Doubles Chmps!

  • Boys and Girls Tennis Singles Runner Up

New School Day Times!

The school day schedule for the upcoming  2023-2024 school year will be changing! The new schedule for each level is listed below. This change is being made in order to better accommodate the needs of our students and reflects changes in the new teacher’s contact. 


Senior Parents:  Your senior will be receiving Graduation Announcements (10).  They are not tickets!!  They are announcements to send to family/friends announcing your child’s graduation ceremony information.  The tickets will be distributed during their June rehearsal.  They will receive 7 tickets (5-gym and 2-auditorium).  Tickets are only needed in case the graduation is held indoors. See attached:

Dress Code Reminder!

As the days are getting warmer, please remind your student about our dress code policy in the student handbook on page 33!  Thank you in advance!!!

From the Class of 2023 Safe Grad Party Committee: 

Thank you to everyone who generously supported our fundraising this year.  Senior Parents/Families: Our committee is in party planning mode! More info on the overnight safe grad party coming your way in the next couple of weeks! Email us at with any questions. 

Attendance Post Survey FAQs
Thank you again to our families who completed the attendance feedback survey, as promised, and based on your feedback,  we have compiled a FAQ document with several links AND  answer your questions. This also has many helpful links to assist with your child’s success!


From the Nurse!
Please let the clinic know if you need a copy of your Senior's immunization records. 

Contact with any questions.

Countdown to Graduation
If you are like me, I like to plan ahead… below is some information for JUNE!

Graduation! Save the Date!
It is official, Graduation will be held on June 16th, 6:00 PM, Palmer Field! More information will follow (of course), however, for those of you who would like to view the ceremony online, especially those loved ones who cannot attend, below is the actual link from which it will air. Please feel free to subscribe to it now or simply click on the link the night of!


In addition, this is a copy of the “Senior Only” calendar but also includes dates of future activities for all!


Stonington High School Athletic Boosters need your help!!!

The SSAB meets monthly, August through June and we would need the  board positions highlighted in Yellow filled for the 2023-2024 school year. Susan Lord is our Volunteer Coordinator and will be here for a few more years.

Section 1.    The elected Officers of the Club shall be as follows:  President; Vice-President; Secretary; Treasurer; Concession Manager; Membership Coordinator; Volunteer Coordinator.

Section 2.    The President shall preside at all the meetings of the Club and shall have supervision of the affairs of the Club.

        a.    The President shall have the authority to approve expenditures up to $300.00.

Section 3.    The Vice-President will coordinate Club’s involvement and participation in special activities and functions and shall have the duties of the President in his/her absence, or in the event of vacancy of the President’s office, shall assume the Presidency. Additionally, the VP will act as Apparel and Merchandise Manager and shall be responsible for selecting and purchasing/restocking Bear Wear and other tangible items to sell at the concession stand and on-line (Facebook Page etc.)  The Apparel and Merchandise Manager shall seek input from other board members and students before selecting new items.

Section 4.    The Secretary shall keep records of the minutes of the organization and other clerical and correspondence duties as assigned by the President.

Section 5.    The Treasurer and President shall be custodians of the funds which are to be kept on deposit with Club’s bank.  The Treasurer shall keep an accurate up-to-date record of the Club’s finances and be prepared to submit a report at each regular meeting and a complete final report at the annual meeting.  The Treasurer and President shall be the authorized signatures on any checking and /or savings accounts.


Section 6.    The Concession Manager shall be responsible for the purchasing and stocking of food for the concession stand.  The Concession Manager shall also be responsible for procuring a person to operate the grill and coordinating the annual inspection with the Ledge Light Health District.

Section 7.    The Membership Coordinator shall coordinate the annual membership drive and keep accurate membership rosters.

Section 8.    The Volunteer Coordinator shall coordinate volunteers to work the concession stand for all possible events.  The Volunteer Coordinator shall supply updated volunteer lists to the President and Vice-President for all events.


Have a LONG wonderful weekend!

Alicia Sweet Dawe