Welcoming Schools and Links to Learning

    At WVSS we are dedicated to creating a caring, supportive, and inclusive environment that ensures all students and families feel a sense of belonging to our school community.         

    Together with CREC (Capitol Region Education Council), WVSS participated in the CT Welcoming Schools Initiative. The initiative aims to make parents feel welcome, celebrate the diversity of the school community, and set goals to improve school practices, which ultimately will have a positive impact on student achievement.

     A team was formed made up of parents, both certified and classified staff, and community members to conduct a site visit. Teams examined the physical environment, school practices and policies, written materials, and welcoming school staff.  Following the site visit, a written report with recommendations was shared and goals were developed to strengthen school practices. 

     Our Welcoming Schools Committee meets throughout the year to share progress on our goals such as making personalized welcoming packets and swag bags for new families, creating a database of families and community members with links to careers regarding curriculum topics and cultural connections, and developing more parent-friendly tutorials to help with systems such as Parent Square and Power School.

     Our highlights this year have also included the implementation of Linked to Learning sessions at school for all parents to participate in with their students. These academic activities allow teachers to provide engaging opportunities to make curricular connections with families to deepen understanding and shared ownership of learning.

Grade 1 Measurement Showcase

1st graders and their families

Grade 1 Showcase

Grade 2 Math and Reading Showcase

Mrs. Mac introduces ECRI to families

Learning Links with Mrs. Solitro