S.W.I.M at West Vine


West Vine Super Belugas

     West Vine Street School utilizes a school-wide positive behavioral model “SWIM”  using our school mascot (a super beluga whale) to reinforce expectations for safety, work ethic, kindness, and respect. Monthly assemblies take place to recognize and celebrate classes who have shown exemplar S.W.I.M behavior. 

      Throughout the day students that are spotted showing these expected behaviors will be given positive reinforcement by classroom teachers using Class Dojo, pom-poms, or a point system depending on the grade level.  All WVSS staff encourage students throughout the day  to become a “Super Beluga”. Bus drivers are using SWIM tickets to reinforce safety and respect on the bus ride.

      S.W.I.M points are calculated toward individual and grade level incentive goals, such as earning a homework pass, extra recess, or a special activity like pajama day or reading in the garden.

     Every couple of weeks Ms. Irvine will recognize students who have been nominated by their teachers for being outstanding role models. They will receive a special award and a school-wide announcement.

We are proud to SWIM, SWIM, SWIM AT WVSS!


